Sunday, March 27, 2016

Rav Moshe Feinstein zt"l with Menachem Begin z"l


Unknown said...

I was present at the meeting in 1977 ... what an honor ... they spoke in Yiddish ... VIP via The Algemeiner ...

Anonymous said...

these are the pictures we enjoy seeing,you can literally see the SHECHINA radiating from the face of our POSEK HADOR and TZADIK Reb Moishe z"t"l.
Please,please,stop posting pictures of that Israel hating KAPO jew hating bastard Teitel-Bum,i literally feel like throwing up whenever seeing that ugly deranged jew hating face of his

Anonymous said...

I never knew one can see the shchina. I guess the shechina only lives on blog sites.

earl david said...

if some one wants to see an exact look alike of Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, you have to head to Federal Prison at FCI Fort Dix, and visit David Solan, who is sitting in prison already 22 years for a 30 year sentence for attempting to harm his sister over an inheritance issue. The man is brilliant. If you visit him, you are making a big mitzvah and he can hold a conversation, unlike most people in the world who cannot.

I know this because I sat in prison and Mr. Solan lived in the same building as me, 5802, I pray that he comes out safely