Friday, November 4, 2011

Maybe time for Jews to pack up and run from the USA! 35 Million Americans hate Jews!

The SS Rounding up the Hungarian Jews of Budapest, October, 1944, at the Delight of non-Jewish Civilians

Millions of Americans harbor an ugly secret — they’re suspicious of the Jews.
A nationwide survey released Thursday by the Anti-Defamation League found that 15% of the country holds deeply anti-Semitic views — and as the economy worsens that number appears to be growing.
“It is disturbing that with all of the strides we have made in becoming a more tolerant society, anti-Semitic beliefs continue to hold a vise-grip on a small but not insubstantial segment of the American public,” the ADL’s Abraham Foxman said.
Old stereotypes about Jews being pushy and controlling the economy are festering — especially among the least-educated Americans, the survey found.
Among other things:
  •  19% answered “probably true” to the statement “Jews have too much control/influence on Wall Street,” a five percentage point increase since 2009.
  •  14% agreed with the statement that "Jews have too much power in the U.S. today," an increase from 13% in 2009.
  •  15% agreed Jews are "more willing to use shady practices."
  • 16% agreed that Jewish "business people are so shrewd, others don't have a chance."

Other anti-Jewish canards continue to be believed by millions of Americans.
Some 31% believe the Jews were responsible for crucifying Christ. And 30% — a percentage that has stayed steady since 1964 — insist Jews are “more loyal to Israel than to America.”
Nearly half of all respondents agreed with the statement that Jews "stick together more than other Americans.” And a quarter of the country says Jews “still talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust.”
The survey found that the most-educated Americans were the least prejudiced and foreign-born Hispanics were more likely to hate Jews than U.S. born Hispanics.
Some 29% of the African-Americans surveyed expressed strong anti-Semitic views.
On the plus side, even the anti-Semites gave Jews credit for their strong faith in God (79%), being big on family (84%), and for contributing to American cultural (64%).
The telephone survey of 1,754 adults was done in October.

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